“Brian Lynn Jones, teamed up with The Misfit Cowboys, and became a second to none, high energy, fun times, rockin' honky-tonk original music act (hence the term rock 'n' tonk country.) As an original act or as honky-tonk country cover band, there is no equal around Southern California."

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Raising $$ While Rock' N The Ranch

We are at The Ranch this weekend but most importantly we are  
raising money all weekend long while we 
Rock ' N Tonk!  
 Please read the following.


RANCH fans...Moore, Oklahoma needs our support!!!

Andrew EdwardsDear Ranch Guest,

On Monday, Moore was hit by a massive tornado, causing significant destruction and leaving behind many homes and buildings torn apart. For 20 years Moore was the hometown to Brian Lynn Jones, the lead singer of one of our most favorite bands, whose friends and family have both been affected by the natural disaster.
This week Brian Lynn Jones and his Misfit Cowboys are live at THE RANCH Friday and Saturday night. We join Brian and his band in helping raise funds to support Oklahoma relief efforts!!! I will kick off our Ranch donation by matching up to $1,000 of what you all contribute! Brian Lynn Jones will have CD's for sale and is also donating a portion of the proceeds to the Moore Relief Fund.
So come show your support!
Monetary donations are being taken this week beginning Wednesday 5/22 – Sunday 5/26. Donations can be made at THE RANCH Saloon Box Office after 5:30PM or by mail:

THE RANCH Restaurant & Saloon
Attn: Oklahoma Relief
1025 East Ball Road
Anaheim, CA 92805

Please join us in helping out those in need in Moore, Oklahoma. For more information please visit www.theranch.com.
Andrew Edwards
THE RANCH Restaurant & Saloon 
The Salvation Army Disaster Relief
Please designate
Oklahoma Tornado Relief
on all checks.

See you out there!